Malt Substitution Chart




● Find the grain your recipe asks for in the list below, hover over it with your mouse and find the replacement in the same row. There will be slight variations between manufacturers and each batch from a manufacturer. 

● Crystal malt can be substituted with a slightly paler or darker version using more or less to get the right colour. Compare the Lovibond, SRM or EBC number supplied by the maltster with the number supplied in the recipe.


Briess Pauls Muntons Fawcett Weyerman Baird Simpsons Bestmalz Crisp Dingemans Gladfield
Pilsen Lager Lager Lager Pilsner, Premium Pilsner Lager Lager Pilsen, Heidelberg German Pilsen Pilsen MD Pilsner, Lager Light, German Pilsner
Pale Ale Maris Otter, Pale Ale, Extra Pale Ale Pale Ale Maris Otter, Halcyon, Optic, Pearl, Golden Promise Pale Ale Pale Ale, Marris Otter, Golden Promise, Pearl Pale Ale, Marris Otter, Golden Promise, Extra Pale Ale Pale Ale Maris Otter, Chevalier, Extra Pale Ale, Best Ale, Clear Choice, Scottish Pale Ale Pale Ale MD Pale Ale, American Pale Ale
Amber Amber Amber Amber Amber Biscuit Amber Aromatic, Amber Biscuit
American Honey Malt, Aromatic Melanoidin Melanoidin Wheat Malt Melanoidin Malt, Abbey Malt, Caraaroma Aromatic Melanoidin, Melanoidin Light, Caramel Aromatic Aromatic MD™/Amber MD™ Aurora
Ashburne Mild Ale Mild Ale Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna
Bonlander Munich Munich Munich Munich I Munich Munich Munich, Munich Dark Light Munich, Dark Munich Munich Munich
Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna Vienna
Munich 10 Munich Munich Munich Munich II Munich Munich Dark Munich Munich MD™ Munich
Dextrine Cara Malt Cara Malt 10 Pale Caramalt CaraPils, CaraFoam Dextrine Dextrin Caramel Hell Dextrin Gladiator
Victory Amber Amber Amber Melanoidin Amber, Imperial (40 - 50) Biscuit, Aromatic Amber Biscuit® MD™ Biscuit
Crystal 10 Caramalt Cara Malt 10 Pale CaraMalt CaraHell / CaraPils (CaraBelge) Light Caramalt, Light Crystal Caramalt Caramel Pils Cara Malt, Cara Gold Cara 20 MD™ Toffee
Crystal 20 Cara Malt CaraMalt CaraRed Caramalt Caramel Aromatic Cara 20 MD™ (Caravienne) Toffee
Crystal 30 Light Crystal Cara Malt 30 Pale Crystal Malt CaraMunich I, CaraBelge, CaraHell Light Caramalt, Light Crystal Caramel Amber Caramel Amber Crystal Light
Crystal 40 Light Crystal Crystal Malt (40 – 50) CaraMunich II Light Caramalt, Light Crystal Light Crystal Caramel® Munich I Extra Light Crystal Cara 50 MD™ Crystal Light/Redback
Crystal 60 Medium Crystal Crystal Malt II (60 – 70) CaraAmber Medium Caramalt Cystal T50 (60 – 70) Caramel® Munich II Light Crystal Cara 50 MD™ Medium Crystal/Supernova
Crystal 80 Dark Crystal Dark Crystal (85 – 95) Crystal Malt Medium Crystal Medium Crystal
Crystal 90 Dark Crystal CaraMunich III Dark Caramalt, Medium Crystal Medium Crystal Caramel® Munich III Medium Crystal Dark Crystal
Crystal 120 Extra Dark Crystal Crystal 110 Dark Crystal II (118 -124) CaraAroma, Special W Dark Crystal Crystal Dark Special B Dark Crystal Malt (159-182 °L) Cara 120 MD™ Dark Crystal
Special Roast Brown Malt Brown Malt Brown Malt Brown Malt Brown Malt Special B® MD™ Brown Malt
Extra Special Extra Dark Crystal CaraAroma Crystal Extra Dark (225 SRM) Special X®, Red X® Aroma 100 MD™, Aroma 150 MD™ Shepherds Delight
Light Chocolate Light Chocolate Pale Chocolate Carafa (Special) I Pale Chocolate Low Colour Chocolate Mroost 900 MD™ (Chocolate) Light Chocolate
Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Carafa (Special) II Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate (Coffee) Malt Mroost 900 MD™ (Chocolate) Dark Chocolate
Black Patent Black Malt Black Malt Black Malt Carafa (Special) III Black Malt Black Malt Black Malt Black Mroost 1400 MD™ (De-Bittered Black) Dark Chocolate
Roasted Barley Roasted Barley Roasted Barley Roasted Barley Roasted Barley Roasted Barley Roasted Barley Roasted Barley Roast Barley Pealed roasted barley MD™ Roasted Barley
Roasted Wheat Chocolate Wheat Roasted Wheat Light, Roasted Wheat Medium Toasted wheat MD™ Roasted Wheat
Wheat Wheat Malt Wheat Malt Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat MD™ Wheat
Dark Wheat Roasted Wheat Dark Toasted wheat MD™ Eclipse Wheat
Crystal Wheat Carawheat Caramel Wheat
Roasted Rye Roasted Rye Roasted Rye Chocolate Rye
Rye Malt Rye Malt Rye Malt Rye Malt Rye Malt Rye Rye
Crystal Rye Malt Caramel Rye Malt Red Rye Crystal Crystal Rye
Oat Malt Oat Malt Malted Oats Big O Malted Oats
Enzymic Malt Acidulated Malt Acidulated Malt Sour Grapes
Golden Naked Oats Naked Oat Golden Naked Oats
Blonde RoastOat Malt Toasted/Roasted Oat Malt Toasted Malted Oats Go Nutty Roasted Oats
CaraPils/CaraFoam Chit Malt Chit Malt
Malt: A Practical Guide from Field to Brewhouse (Brewing Elements)
John Malett
Malt: A Practical Guide

This book provides a comprehensive overview of malt, with primary focus on barley, from the field through the malting process. Available in paperback or as a Kindle on Amazon.


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